Roofs are built with a “snow load.” This is the predetermined weight of snow a roof can carry per square foot determined by the design and materials used for the roof. Often heavy snow or snow from multiple storms can exceed that snow load. Working with a commercial roofing contractor, like Veirs Kluk Roofing, for regular roof maintenance and snow removal will protect your roof and your building. Snow removal for commercial roofs aims to prevent damage, keep drainage flowing, and create a safe area for all using the building.
Snow Removal Techniques for Commercial Flat Roofs
Snow Removal Techniques for Commercial Flat Roofs

Prevent Damage
Regular roof maintenance means a roof is less likely to leak during the winter. Common California weather can leave commercial roofing material brittle and prone to cracking. This makes the roof likely to fail during a winter storm. As temperatures rise and fall throughout the winter, the roof is subject to the same thaw-freeze cycle we see on the pavement. As snow melts, that water will fill cracks and then expand those cracks when it refreezes. As the crack widens, more and more water can leak into the building. Inspect your roof and have repairs made before winter to leave your roof watertight. Veirs Kluk Roofing recommends regular commercial roof maintenance.

Part of preventing this includes having your gutters inspected and cleared before winter. Keeping gutters free from debris keeps water flowing. It is less likely to back up and create an ice dam. An ice dam is a ridge of ice that prevents water from flowing. You may notice icicles hanging from the eaves. That is a sign you have an ice dam. You can also discuss having heated cables installed in the gutters to keep them from freezing. Blocked gutters will contribute as water can’t flow off the roof.
All weather can cause roof damage, including heavy snow if not handled properly. Roof snow removal can be done for commercial flat roofs. The life of the roof can be extended with regular roof maintenance, management of drainage, and safe snow removal. Contact Veirs Kluk Roofing for a free quote on your snow removal for commercial roofs.